Customer Online Reviews Benchmarks

Discover how top brands and products are rated among numerous industries based on real customer reviews.

Welcome to the ultimate customer reviews benchmark!

Understanding how your customers feel about your products and services and how you measure up against your competitor is crucial. Therefore we have compiled and analyzed customer reviews and statics across varying industries in order to create a comprehensive resource that highlights the top-rated brands. Whether you’re hoping to improve your marketing strategy, find out what consumers are saying about your competitors, or simply looking to understand your position in the market, FeedCheck’s customer reviews benchmarks can help your business stay ahead of the game.

Reviews dashboard

Top features on FeedCheck:

  • Key drivers: measure the customer satisfaction about specific characteristics of your products and compare it to your competitors
  • Trending topics: discover the patterns in your customer reviews and check out the words that the shoppers include the most in their feedback
  • Topic explorer: after identifying the patterns with Trending topics, you can see a context breakdown for the most frequently used words by your customers

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