Education Ratings and Reviews Benchmark 2024

Do you know where your educational institution stands compared to your competitors?
Check out FeedCheck’s ratings and reviews benchmark and see if your institution is top rated in your state

For institutions

One thing is certain: education is an extremely competitive field and you always have to be at the top of your game. No matter if you specialize in STEM or humanities, you know that your students will only want to attend your classes if you’re a top rated institution. Check out our education benchmark and see where you stand and what you can improve to get to #1.

For learners

Any student’s dream is to graduate a top rated educational institution. Sometimes, you can find it right next to your home. Other times, you might have to go on an adventure to the other side of the country. Anyhow, if you’re trying to decide what’s the next step in your academic journey, you’re in the right place on this page. Check out our ratings and review benchmark and discover which state has the best rated education.

The average review rank of high school in the United States

Education review rank by category in the United States

Study made on 19,945 customer reviews for education in US

The average review rank of universities in the United States

Study made on 129,810 customer reviews for universities in US

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