Review Management Services for Department Stores

Become a trusted name among all American department stores with FeedCheck’s review automation tool

Go to our Department Store Benchmark, based on over 3,000,000 reviews. See benchmark

Use review automation to boost your online reputation

Did you know that there are more than 3 billion online reviews across consumer review sites? To monitor, manage and analyze all of your customer feedback and make sure that you’re in control of your reputation, it’s imperative to use a review management tool. Contact FeedCheck today and let’s talk about the review automation strategy that best fits your business.

Get ahead of your competition

As 7 in 10 consumers use rating filters when searching for businesses, running a department store can become a challenging and competitive process. By using our review monitoring software, you’ll always know what your competition is up to and what their customers think about them. Find their strengths and weaknesses and use them to enhance your own offerings.
Reviews dashboard

Why choose FeedCheck?

  • Save time with review automation, so you can focus on improving your business.
  • Monitor your competitors and discover how you perform compared to them.
  • Discover what your customers feel about your services and use the feedback to improve your offerings.

Become the best. Remain the best.

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