Department Stores Ratings and Reviews Benchmark 2024

Discover which American states are homes to the best department stores, according to real-life authentic data.
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For department store

Did you know that 94% of businesses using review management tools experience a positive return on investment? This is because your online reputation is vital to your business's success. Whether you're aiming to retain loyal customers or attract new ones, a strong online presence is essential. Take advantage of our review monitoring service to ensure you're always performing at your best.

For customers

Research indicates that 60% of consumers consider the number of reviews a business is a key factor in deciding whether to use its services. If you're reading this, you're likely among them. Explore our department stores benchmark to find out your state's average rating for this industry.

The average review rank of department store industry in the United States

Department Store review rank by category in the United States

Study made on 3,004,105 customer reviews for department store industry in US

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