The easiest review management tool for educational institutions

Collect and monitor your students’ opinions about you
Use them to enhance your offerings and attract new learners

Learn more about our Education Benchmark, based on over 140,000 reviews. See benchmark

Become a household name in education

The best way to improve is to receive authentic feedback from the people who benefit from your services. Aggregate reviews from your students, analyze them and discover which are your strong points and what you should improve. Don’t know where to start? FeedCheck has your back.

Why use a review management software

Could you collect, monitor and manage all your reviews by yourself? Of course. But why waste so many hours on this tedious task when you can spend your time improving the education experience for your students? You take care of the future generations. We take care of your online reviews.
Reviews dashboard

Why choose FeedCheck?

  • Discover what your students say about your educational institution on the Internet.
  • Easy review monitoring and management, so you attract new potential students.
  • Real-life data that can be used for any academic or administrative project.

Become the best. Remain the best.

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