Offering your customers the finest possible experience is crucial for business success because it not only boosts revenue but also helps build your brand’s reputation. As a reputation management and review monitoring company, we frequently point out how essential this factor is to your clients and business. You learned about review aggregation, how to find customer reviews based on your market, or how to use offline marketing to drive reviews in earlier blogs. In today’s post, we’ll concentrate on how to draw attention to reviews and their potential to increase website traffic.
Top businesses who want to grow and boost their budgets in this area are finding that customer involvement is getting increasingly popular. A recent survey revealed that 94% of businesses with “excellent/good” customer involvement outperformed their sales targets. Customer engagement and revenue are so closely related and have an impact on one another that there is a lot of interest in adopting customer and review engagement.
If you never thought about using customer reviews as a marketing strategy, there are plenty. One of them is to use customer reviews to advertise your business and increase what we refer to as review engagement. This can be done on your website or a website owned by a third party where you would be selling your goods or service. I will exemplify this as we go along.
Specifically for review engagement there are methods that can be adopted onto your website. But before that, let’s understand what review engagement is.
The digital era gave rise to review engagement, which becomes important to brands when they see a chance to strengthen their bonds with their customers. There are various definitions of engagement, but the key point is that it can be increased through brief contacts or by approaching the client from their cognitive, emotional, and behavioral perspectives. Making the customer keep returning is the end goal. As a result, you and your company can define this customer engagement and review process according to your objectives.
If you have been thinking about it already here are 3 examples on how to drive review engagement by using simple strategies however effective.
Testimonials on your landing page
Reviews or testimonials are a great way to drive attention especially on your website landing page. And if you are asking why I have the right answer for you.
This is the ideal opportunity to grab attention, hold their interest for a while, and convert them into customers because visitors to certain websites typically spend relatively short time there. In this method, a new visitor is more likely to stay because it influences their purchase habits and they can see how satisfied existing customers are.
Don’t forget that client reviews help your SEO and produce fantastic original material that Google adores.
Use icons to catch attention (Amazon example)
Amazon regularly makes changes and strives to improve the way that products are sold and bought on their website. And it comes as no surprise that Amazon leads in customer product reviews. They have been concentrating on this section for many years now, from modifying the submit a review section to how customer reviews might help decision-makers more effectively.
In the past, anyone who would browse Amazon and land on a certain product would have seen the Helpful – Comment – Report Abuse. Just like in the following image.
At some point in time, Amazon has displayed some different icons with colorful versions to test out how customers are reacting and engaging with.
One of the main objectives of e-commerces is to engage consumers. Engagement is a measurement of interest. Amazon undoubtedly wants to recognize which variant is the most clicked on in order to increase interaction with product reviews. As a result, if you are an Amazon seller, you need to keep an eye out for any sudden changes that could have an impact on your business.
Manage Your Customer Engagement (MYCE) from Amazon
If you’ve been considering starting customer engagement but haven’t heard of this one, you should give it a shot. This is a programme from Amazon called Manage Your Customer Engagement or MYCE. MYCE allows you to interact directly with Amazon customers, which helps your company develop lasting relationships with them and raises awareness of your products.
Presently, MYCE provides gift event guides, 7-day discount information, and product releases. However, Amazon says they are looking to extend the program and include more original choices.
Registered brands with an Amazon store page and with brand Followers can use the Manage Your Customer Engagement function. Make sure to consult the Amazon Guide for any further information.
Whatever way your business measures customer review engagement, it’s critical to realize that losing an opportunity will have a bigger effect on your sales. Every day, new trends in the digital era are appearing, making it crucial to understand how to adapt your business. It all comes down to the clients and what they demand.
Building a loyal client base takes time, thus it is crucial for the future of your business that you take this aspect of customer engagement into mind and conduct research. How many interactions a consumer requires before making a purchase cannot be determined with precision. But one thing is certain. Driving customers through your purchase cycle requires active customer contact.