There is Magic in Your Reviews!

Just like with any other conversation that we should listen with the curiosity to discovering the magic in it – new ideas and perspectives that may totally change or transform our thinking and being – consumer brands can find magic too in what customers talk about them and their products.

For that matter, one needs to know where to look for the magic and how to find it by discovering contexts and meaning as salient tools for changing consumers’ behavior.

eCommerce platforms are nowadays a powerful stage for the individual consumer voice where product reviews take the form of consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-brand shared experiences with brands, their products, and services.

While product reviews’ volume is growing at scale, contexts are changing too, becoming more diverse with the change of the consumer dynamics. Brands find it difficult to keep pace with that, losing sight of what product reviews can uncover for them, helping them become more creative and effective with their marketing campaigns and value propositions that consumers resonate with. comes in to help with that and aggregate the individual customer voice across relevant eCommerce platforms worldwide, ensuring a consolidated rich base for unveiling the magic behind product reviews.

If you’re a consumer brand willing to maximize your own magic’s discovery journey, you can start by visiting our general demo or getting in touch for a personalized one.
