online reviews

Research about customer reviews impact

According to the results of a recent survey conducted by Dimensional Research and sponsored by Zendesk, a good customer service offers a wide range of long term benefits regarding:

  1. The level of trust : Excellence in customer service was the most important factor to increase the customer trust. From the customer’s point of view, a good customer service implies a quick resolution of the problem and a positive attitude of the person in charge to help the customer.  On the opposite side, the most important factors cited in causing a bad customer service experience were the following: having to explain the same problem to multiple people, having to deal with an unpleasant service person and not having the problem solved.
  2. Buying decision : More than 50% of the B2B customers purchased more after a good interaction with customer service. On the other hand, a bad customer service experience influenced more than 50% of the B2B and B2C customers. As a result they stopped buying from that vendor and many of them will continue to avoid those vendors two or more years after a bad experience. On the opposite side, a quarter of the customers will continue to seek out vendors two or more years after a good experience.
  3. Getting more customers :  From the customer’s point of view, the manner in which a problem is solved has a profound impact on future purchases. This effect has been amplified as social media and web review sites enable customer service experiences to be widely shared with friends, colleagues, and the general public. More than 50% of the customers are more likely to tell others about their customer services experiences today than they were five years ago. When making a buying decision, 88% of the customers have been influenced by an online customer service review.

Considering all the above points, we can conclude that the good quality of customer service can have an important impact on sales, creating a long term relationship.


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