Let’s celebrate Christmas with awesome gifts

It’s that time of the year again. Time to celebrate Christmas , to decorate our trees and houses, visit our family or friends and exchange gifts.

This Christmas we have some gifts for all our customers. FeedCheck was adorned with some much needed features like the ones below:

Search, in reviews section

search by keywords
Now you can search through reviews to find the specific ones (e.g. “bad battery”).

Insights (popular words) in dashboard

Insight section presents a brand new overview about your reviews. Now you can quickly have a summary for all your customer feedback.

Questions & answers alerts for Amazon stores

FeedCheck amazon questions
The majority of our clients are selling their products on Amazon. Now they will know the customer’s questions related to the product. You have a dedicated section for questions and you can also set alerts for new questions and answers from alerts section.

Enhanced alerts with various criterions like rating conditions or related reviews

alert system
Now you can send bad reviews as alerts to Customer Support and good reviews to Marketing and PR.  You can also set conditions like reviews with rating less than 3 stars to be send to an email address and the others to another email.

And a special gift directly from Santa for all our customers, now you can export your reviews with all the criterions setted in a csv file, or just export them all.

Export reviews to csv
I hope you will be happy with all these Santa’s gifts,
Happy Holidays!

FeedCheck Team
