This month we are celebrating 5 years of FeedCheck, a customer listening platform for consumer brands. We collected and analyzed over one million product reviews all this time, helping brands understand what their customers share about the product and experiences with it.
One of the most powerful channels through which the experiences are communicated is word of mouth. The power of this channel comes from its credibility, human credibility. Behind every message is a person you know and is not affiliated with the company that wants to sell you something.
In the digital era, word of mouth is not just a face-to-face interaction, but also an online interaction both private and public. In this context, the review area of websites becomes a public place where people recommend each other products and services. It’s nearly impossible to buy something online, without seeing the review score that is close to the buy button.
For the consumer brands, the users’ feedback represents a way to listen and improve their products and services. Review collecting and analysis is not an easy task. Products are available in many stores that are continuously changing. On the analytics side, special tools and reports are needed. Here comes FeedCheck helping with continuously aggregating and analyzing this feedback.
I will list a few challenges we solved over time, just to highlight how delicate this process is:
- Managing the product assortment (grouping by market, category, brand, etc.) to deliver clear and deep analytics at all levels. Define the competition and its products.
- Monitoring reviews in real-time (sending alerts for the sensitive reviews), aggregating them, deduplicating at different levels (handling different packages and bundles of the same products).
- Integration with business-critical systems, maximizing the efficiency in business workflows.
- Translation for bringing all feedbacks from different cultures to a common ground for easy reading and analyzing.
- Analyzing, to discovering every topic that the customer mentions. Measuring topics across every product and category.
We are doing all this work since 2016 and we continue to do our best to help consumer brands listen to their customers. In this journey, we discovered together with our clients what are the best ways to manage consumer feedback.
The future gives us the opportunity to integrate new types of feedback channels and advanced analytics which will bring new ways to look at product reviews. We are eager to get there!